Mirage USB – David Magnan

Mirage USB – David Magnan

I have listened to your DH Labs Silver Sonic Mirage USB cable now for a considerable time and just had to express my admiration for this outstanding design. This is by an experienced cable designer. With one exception, this cable is by A LARGE MARGIN IS THE MOST TRANSPARENT & FREE OF DIGITAL ARTIFACTS AND GRUNGE OF ANY THAT I HAVE HEARD….and I have tried out a number of the best (and more expensive by far) USB cables out there, including the Audioquest Diamond, Cardas High Speed (dual conduit) Serial Bus, Revelation Audio dual conduit Cryo-Silver, Final Touch Audio, Sablon Audio Panatela Reserva, and Curious Cable Evolved. The only USB cable I have found so far that bests your Mirage is the super-expensive Shunyata Sigma, at an extravagant eight times the cost.

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